What is Prevalence UK?
For the first time anywhere, we have estimated population prevalence for diseases and conditions in
the ICD-10 taxonomy. Our estimates are directly comparable because they have been calculated
using the same methods, data sources and population.
Using our state-of-the-art cloud-based, health data analytics engine Livingstone®, we have generated annual and lifetime
prevalence for each ICD-10 code at both the three-character and four-character level and present
the three-character level here. We present data for males, females and for all people together.
The results are generated from the English population represented in the Clinical Practice Research
Datalink Aurum dataset for 2019.
Not familiar with the term ‘prevalence’?
Disease prevalence refers to the proportion of people within a population who have a particular
disease at a given point or over a particular period of time. For example, if out of 100 people in a
community, five have diabetes, then the prevalence of diabetes in that community at that time is 5%.
Prevalence is a useful measure for understanding how common a disease is in a particular
population. It can be influenced by factors such as age, gender, genetics, and lifestyle.
Understanding disease prevalence is important for healthcare providers, researchers, and
policymakers to develop effective strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
Generally, lifetime prevalence is the most useful measure for describing a chronic (long-term)
condition, whilst annual prevalence helps us to understand acute (short-term) diseases such as
chickenpox. It is important to note that some patients may have a disease recorded in their data that
refers to an old condition from which they have now recovered, so disease records included in the
calculation of annual prevalence may not necessarily relate to contemporary events.
Further technical details are available upon request, as are more detailed data over particular time
intervals and for different important sub-groups of the population.
Prevalence UK by Livingstone® is provided free of charge. Users must not distribute
or sell the data or insights provided to any other individual, institution, or
organisation without the written consent of Pharmatelligence (trading as Human
Data Sciences).
The source data for Prevalence UK are provided by the Clinical Practice Research
Datalink (CPRD) under licence from the UK Medicines and Healthcare products
Regulatory Agency. These data are provided by patients and collected by the NHS
as part of their care and support.